
Message from WAIPA Permanent Secretariat

Dear members,
Dear colleagues,
With the year coming to an end, we wanted to thank you for your valuable support, insight and trust you have shown us in the past twelve months. While for another year the COVID-19 pandemic has affected all our lives and the way we work, we did our best to continue to advocate the importance of investment promotion particularly in these special times, engaged with our partners to create concrete added value to our members and are working on new and innovative ways for members to benefit from our services.
One of the milestones this year for us certainly has been the first annual Strengthening IPA Advocacy Services Awards we have undertaken with the World Bank. We were delighted with the high number of top-quality submissions we have received, and we once again congratulate Ethiopia Investment Commission (EIC), Toronto Global and Invest India, as well as Invest Cyprus and Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA) for winning the awards, as well as all IPAs who shared their great advocacy efforts with us.
Another highlight this year for us were the numerous projects we either started or concluded. From the tailormade Capacity Development Project on Aftercare for Jordan Investment Commission (JIC) with the support from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)  to the Capacity Building Project for Least Developed Countries (LDC) on Investment Promotion implemented jointly with the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF), to the Capacity Development Program on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in post Covid-19 pandemic era for OIC countries together with Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), as well as to the FDI Excellence Training Virtual Masterclass on Digital Tools and Techniques for investment promotion and attraction together with Andreas Dressler as well as numerous other capacity building program and webinars organized either alone or together with partners.
Finally, also a new Steering Committee was elected by the General Assembly in Dubai, UAE, this autumn, and we are confident that together with our Steering Committee members and with our Consultative Committee member we can continue to effectively serve our members and partners and continue to highlight the crucial role of IPAs.

WAIPA Permanent Secretariat


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